An eLearning Hunters Education program


Environmental education and hunting-related issues are very serious in nowadays. There is need for training and upgrading of the hunter’s education to develop members that will be fully aware of their modern role. This imposing need aspires to satisfy the integrated hunter education program entitled “Hunting Academy” provided by build up with a mix of the most up-to-date training methods worldwide such as online distance learning, eLearning and Online training.

The purpose of the program is to provide the young, the new and the older hunters with the necessary specialized training and information on issues such as: identification and biology of the various game and non-game species, relevant legislation, sustainable management and protection wildlife, safety in the use of shotguns, hunting behavior, hunting conservation and hunting dog management, as well as various issues related to the rational practice of hunting in each country.

The educational material of the program are curated and presented by specialist scientists, Professors, Higher Schools Partners, Hunting Organizations and specialist trainers. The learning direction is that of the Hunter’s modern role as: a game fauna manager, protector of the natural environment, “cultivator” of habitats for the overall development, upgrading, conservation and preservation of the game’s wealth and the balance of its populations, etc.

Also, all through the “Hunting Academy” Hunters education program, the new or the young hunter will learn all about hunting biology, safety, dog hunting, hunting ethics, national and European legislation hunting, communication techniques with interested parties, the administration of Hunting Organizations.

Hunting in Greece needs to be properly “transfused” to young hunters

It is now common knowledge that traditional hunting originating in Greece needs to be properly “transfused” to young hunters, except for the family environment where the first love for hunting is born. Hunter training should have been mandatory and a prerequisite for hunting licenses, as it is in other developed countries of the civilized world. In most of these countries, the Certificate of Completion of a Hunting Training Program is compulsory, as proof of their knowledge, acquired and required by prospective new hunters before they are submitted to examinations by the competent state body for hunting license and registration.


Τhe importance of knowledge is widely accepted beyond any doubt. I this case we believe only with Hunting Education, can obtain Hunters Knowledge and conscious to assure that hunting activity will serve the prudent use of natural resources. The pursuit of sustainable hunting is a right and obligation of hunters in accordance with the requirements of the European Union.

Only with a modern, realistic, flexible and integrated training program curated by the most specialized partners of the Hunting Academy program and the Greek Hunting Confederation can systematically and methodologically achieve to upgrade the complex role that the hunter is called upon to play as a modern “user” of the natural environment.


The multifaceted role of the hunter in our modern times is the need to become the cornerstone of his personality, attributing to the nature that hosts him such appreciation while upgrading his image and position in the society. The phrase “the hunter experiences not sterilizes nature” is a principle that every new or young hunter should have well placed in his consciousness.

Hunting is a way of life, it is a responsibility, it is a philosophy, it is a right, and it is a legacy that we have to leave to the next generation, to our children.

The benefits are many. Hunting and environmental education can share a major role for the future of Hunting. Participation in it today is optional, but many hunters looking ahead, visioning, perceiving a bigger picture, wanting a better future, may soon be in demand.

In the light of the above principles, the mission and purpose of the Hunting Academy program to educate hunters (by the use of modern learning methods such as eLearning that variously facilitate the trainee) are inextricably linked to the hunter’s future. Τhe first step is now a fact with the program H.A.


The “Hunting Academy” program is provided by the method of eLearning (online remote education at because it has been proven that it succeeds high quality of Training, in a convenient, easy-to-use and effective way of learning. Also this method is adopted by more and more educational institutions throughout the modern world because it’s:

  • Convenient: The learner can attend an online course 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – from work, home, on the road.
  • Flexible: The Learner can start and stop the study whenever you want, you can go back, revise a point, you can follow a process many times.
  • Contemporary: Online eLearning training can be made available to any number of people – all with their own style and speed and pace.
  • Affordable: Save time and cost. It is internationally recognized that eLearning reduces the time that trainees need to be out of the workplace, minimizes the need for travel and travel, and virtually eliminates the need for pre-practice training rooms in the field.
  • Combinatorial: The blended learning approach known as ‘Blended learning’ results in higher retention rates. What also helps is that the lessons can be renewed and repeated whenever needed.

Regarding the evaluation of the Learner, this program has an automatic evaluation system (AES) with progress stages (tests) with no interventions. The degree of the success in each test is automatically added to the final score, so, the Learner that succeeds an average over 50% overall score, will obtain his certificate of completion from the education program “HUNTING ACADEMY”.

Those who want to continue… after the successful completion of the “Hunting Academy” education program, they may, on a written request declaring their wish. Practical training is provided by specialist trainers, on extra charge, in selected venues – locations and where ever necessary with the presence of delegated bodies.


It is noted that the “Hunting Academy” Hunters education program is not only aimed at new or young hunters but also to all stakeholders who wish to upgrade their overall knowledge about the benefits of hunting. All those who wish to be informed about the role and the valuable work that the Hunting organizations provide to solve problems in the interest of the natural environment. Knowledge and information have a vital role for the Modern Hunter.

The level of Hunters Education we envisioned aspires to evolve the skills and competences of trained ‘users’ as well as their roles, as actors and players, in the great struggle for sustainable management of the natural environment and hunting conservation. Hunter’s education program provided by “Hunters Academy” is a legacy of today’s generation to the future ones, it’s a change for an even better tomorrow…

The importance of this training program has already been recognized and adopted by the Hunting Federation of Central Greece, a first step for  50.000 hunters, and more than a 100 gamekeepers.

At this stage the course ware is available on-line only in the Greek Language.

Thank you