Instructors who truly care about generating results for their organization choose Velsoft because Velsoft has a proven record of helping organizations achieve training goals. The secret behind Velsoft is that it is a content company first and foremost. Regardless of whether customers want instructor-led training materials, eLearning, blended learning or custom instructional design, they know that tremendous time and effort has gone into each Velsoft course to ensure relevant learning objectives are identified and met.
Velsoft has truly changed the workplace learning and performance (WLP) industry by listening to what trainers and HR managers want and packaging the solution in a unique way that uses technology to expand their training options.
Today, tens of thousands of companies in over 150 countries worldwide choose Velsoft as vendor of choice for customizable courseware, eLearning, mLearning, SCORM conversion and customizable instructional design and development.
These companies represent some of the world’s largest brands including Microsoft, NASA, the United States Air Force, Pfizer, United Nations, the LA Times, Dell, Lockheed Martin, Revlon, Kraft, Michelin, Princeton University, FedEx, General Motors, Sandals Resorts, Mercedes-Benz and the Executive Office of the President of the United States of America.
Velsoft is one of the fastest growing eLearning companies on the planet and is positioned well to continue this growth. Backed by a strong management team, an array of unique technologies and outstanding product, Velsoft has continued attract and service customers from all corners on the globe.
Long term plans for Velsoft include becoming the number one eLearning brand in the $200 Billion annual workplace and performance vertical. We will accomplish this through a customer-centric approach that adds value by enabling us to differentiate ourselves from competitors who cannot offer the same experience because they cannot match our level of customer dedication or suite of unique technologies.